null modem

null modem
A special connection between two computers that will make the computers think they are hooked up to a modem, so that they can communicate to each other.

Dictionary of telecommunications. . 2000.

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  • null-modem cable — noun (computing) A special cable used to link two PCs • • • Main Entry: ↑null …   Useful english dictionary

  • Null-Modem-Kabel — Ein typisches Nullmodem Kabel Ein Adapter, der die gleiche Funktion erfüllt Als Nullmodem Leitung wird eine Leitung bezeichnet, welche zwei Computer über die …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • null modem cable — nulinis modemas statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Kabelis, tiesiogiai jungiantis du kompiuterius per jų nuosekliuosius prievadus ir užtikrinantis duomenų mainus tarp kompiuterių taip, lyg jie būtų sujungti ryšio linija per modemus. Kabelis …   Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas

  • null modem —    A short serial cable that connects two personal computers so that they can communicate without the use of modems.    The cable connects the two computers serial ports, and certain lines in the cable are crossed over so that the wires used for… …   Dictionary of networking

  • null modem —    A dummy device used to interface a peripheral and computer that anticipates using a modem when none is required …   IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations

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